The New Contemporary Art Magazine

On View: “Sight Beyond Sight” Group Show at Arch Enemy Arts

Currently on view at Arch Enemy Arts in Philadelphia, "Sight Beyond Sight" is a group show that explores an age-old human impulse: our aching desire to predict the future. The show's title evokes the idea of the third eye, which symbolizes intuition and even psychic abilities in many cultures. The works in "Sight Beyond Sight" indulge in the occult and the surreal. The featured artist in the show include Naoto Hattori, who is known for painting his dreams, 100taur, whose fantasy paintings of strange creatures apprehend more than just the future of humanity, as well as Chris Leib, Aof Smith and others. The show opened on July 11 and will be on view through August 31. Take a look at some of the artwork after the jump.

Aof Smith

Currently on view at Arch Enemy Arts in Philadelphia, “Sight Beyond Sight” is a group show that explores an age-old human impulse: our aching desire to predict the future. The show’s title evokes the idea of the third eye, which symbolizes intuition and even psychic abilities in many cultures. The works in “Sight Beyond Sight” indulge in the occult and the surreal. The featured artist in the show include Naoto Hattori, who is known for painting his dreams, 100taur, whose fantasy paintings of strange creatures apprehend more than just the future of humanity, as well as Chris Leib, Aof Smith and others. The show opened on July 11 and will be on view through August 31. Take a look at some of the artwork below.

Chris Leib

Chris Leib

Naoto Hattori

Veks Van Hillik

Veks Van Hillik


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